Version : Genesis 8

Length : 7:19
Weightmapping : Tight top created with a donor item to speed up rigging and morphs
- Load your donor item (should be as close in design as possible for best results)
- Import your clothing obj, and use the Transfer Utility with Presets script by Josh Darling
(available for download on the scripts page) - Select the donor item as source and your obj as the Target, and under Choose Transfer Preset select Replace Source with Target
- Clean up and delete morphs that you don’t want in your new top
- Open up Scene Identification and change the Node Name and label to your obj name
(otherwise it will save using the source item name) - Save your item
- File | Save As | Support Asset | Figure/Prop Assets
- Delete and reload the top, click on Genesis and turn Base Joint Correctives off
(this makes it easier to weightmap without JCMs interfering with the shape) - Turn on your weightmap tool and use the smoothing brush to smooth out problem areas you find by posing genesis, starting from the neck and working down to pelvis

Length : 15:52
- Turn on Base Joint Correctives on Genesis
- Pose Genesis and export JCM’s that need fixing with Resolution level set to base. For smoothing set the collision item to None. (that prevents double sided mesh like the straps pushing through itself when it gets pushed out by Genesis. I would rather fix it in a modeler for better results)
- Use the exact same name for the JCM as the one being used on Genesis, that will then overwrite the existing JCM when you import it back into DS
- Fix your morph in a modeler and import with Morph Loader Pro
- Reverse Deformations : Yes
- Overwrite Existing : Deltas only

Length : 3:24
- Body morphs can be found on the Shaping tab. Only use morphs included under Full Body, you just want the body dial with no scaling or translations – never the full control dial (the dials included under People)
- Apply the morph, export with Resolution level set to base. If I use smoothing I set the collision item to None
- Fix your morph in a modeler and import with Morph Loader Pro
- Reverse Deformations : Yes
- Overwrite Existing : Deltas only